Perhaps one justification for doing nothing when we're called to do something is a result of us never having to meet those to whom we've been called to reach. As long as they are statistics and not our reality, it's easy to say "not my problem" or "I'll get to it later." As long as they are statistics and not our reality, they are faceless people. And let's face it, when we don't see the faces it's much easier to drive on by rather than stop do something about the problem.
But for Jesus, there were no "faceless" people; there were no stats. In Facebook terms, every profile had a pic. Jesus saw every face; Jesus felt every need. How so? Because he didn't live the 21st century sheltered life. No, he hung with those we would often only know as stats.
The Saturday before Thanksgiving, NEW HEIGHTS had a unique privelege. We had the opportunity to hang with the great students of King's Ranch in Chelsea and serve a Thanksgiving meal with all the trimmings. And you know what we learned? We learned that behind every stat there is a face with a unique need we have been called to satisfy. It's time to quit saying "it's not my problem" or "I'll get to it later" because if you look into eyes of these young men and women we learn that it is our problem and if we wait till later, we only hurt ourselves.
It's been asked a million times, "What would Jesus do?" It's a good question, but an equally important question is this: "What are we doing to be like Jesus?" Take some time this week to do what Jesus did and hang with someone with need that no one else will hang with. Notice the transformation in yourself with the re-newed commitment and energy to make a difference when you see the face in the image above...