Sunday, November 29, 2009


Perhaps one justification for doing nothing when we're called to do something is a result of us never having to meet those to whom we've been called to reach. As long as they are statistics and not our reality, it's easy to say "not my problem" or "I'll get to it later." As long as they are statistics and not our reality, they are faceless people. And let's face it, when we don't see the faces it's much easier to drive on by rather than stop do something about the problem.

But for Jesus, there were no "faceless" people; there were no stats. In Facebook terms, every profile had a pic. Jesus saw every face; Jesus felt every need. How so? Because he didn't live the 21st century sheltered life. No, he hung with those we would often only know as stats.

The Saturday before Thanksgiving, NEW HEIGHTS had a unique privelege. We had the opportunity to hang with the great students of King's Ranch in Chelsea and serve a Thanksgiving meal with all the trimmings. And you know what we learned? We learned that behind every stat there is a face with a unique need we have been called to satisfy. It's time to quit saying "it's not my problem" or "I'll get to it later" because if you look into eyes of these young men and women we learn that it is our problem and if we wait till later, we only hurt ourselves.

It's been asked a million times, "What would Jesus do?" It's a good question, but an equally important question is this: "What are we doing to be like Jesus?" Take some time this week to do what Jesus did and hang with someone with need that no one else will hang with. Notice the transformation in yourself with the re-newed commitment and energy to make a difference when you see the face in the image above...

Monday, August 17, 2009


Life in a "me" world can be rough. Many succumb to the narcissistic ideology that the world revolves around them. With so much time and energy spent on themselves, very little is left in the tank for others.

But Jesus reminds us we are to follow his model: "I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." (Jn. 13:15) And if we're concerned with what this will cost us in terms of giving up some of ourselves, Jesus follows with the what's in it for me clause: "Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.(Jn. 13:17)

To be truly blessed, rich, happy or whatever you want to call it, the answer is found not in what you get, but rather in what you give. Today, do something for someone else. Demonstrate your faith. Live strong. Love life.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

BLESSING OF THE BACKPACKS's often thought of as that noble cause where one travels to remote parts of the globe to minister to indigenous tribes. Such ministry is indeed important because Jesus did say, "Go and make disciples of all nations..." However, when we think of making a difference one nation we may overlook, if we are not careful, is our own. Even in our community the needs are great. There are some in our "own back yard" who do not have the means to pay for the supplies required for public education. So, today we stuffed some backpacks with the essentials. Next Sunday (August 9) we plan to bless them before we hand them out. It's not too late to get in on the action. Just stuff a back pack with the essentials and bring it to NEW HEIGHTS (meeting at Chelsea Park Elementary at 10 AM) next week. Or if you would like more info, feel free to contact us at

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


One of the coolest things to observe is when someone has an "aha" moment, when they see something in a new way. These moments flooded last week (July 20-23, 2009) as Refuge Student Ministries of New Heights held their 1st ever missions week. One moment in particular was when a student said "So loving your neighbor as your self means feeding them and clothing them and giving them drink..." New awakenings were paired with other experiences such as 1) seeing 30 homeless people rush (somewhat violently) towards a few sack lunches, 2) Hearing someone announce with pride that nobody is going to tell them what to do while he stands in line to receive a free meal, and 3) Smelling the scent of unbathed skin, worn and torn clothes, and unwashed hair. Such experiences can be life-changing, pushing through the walls of suburban life toward the reality of great needs only miles away. This week loving our neighbor became defined in these youth and adults lives in a new way. May God be glorified for it all and may the world never be the same because of it!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Yesterday we had the pleasure of visiting Urban Ministry. Though a light mist was falling, it was perfect weather to keep us cool as we worked in the Community Garden sponsored by Urban Ministry and The Church Without Walls.

Myron (left) was our host, and he offered much advice on the benefits of compost, bugs, sticks, leaves, and other things we might not think much about. But Myron offered a lot of great gardening ideas/tricks for us city folk who are not too in touch with our "roots".

When asked what one needs to do to receive some of the tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, okra, blueberries, strawberries, etc., he said all one has to do is ask. That's it! Just ask. And given the economic climate in the inner city, many are indeed in need of these groceries. A great ministry indeed!!

After we worked in the garden, we packed health kits, consisting of a bottle of water, a bar of soap, a wash rag, a crunchy snack, five pieces of peppermint and a hand written note from our youth on the gallon size storage baggie . Once packed, we were off to serve lunch. Beef tips and rice, English peas/carrots, canned fruit, and fruit beverage consisting of the leftover juice from the fruit cans mixed with pink lemonade. It wasn't exactly the meal we were accustomed to, but, then again, we are spoiled. About 85-100 folks stood in line for the delicacy.

It was a great day to once again learn what it means to be in minsitry to even the "least of these." Thank you, Lord, for our daily bread and for giving us the opportunity to serve our neighbor.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Ever heard the phrase, "bring a dish to share." Well, we did it. On Monday we packed lunches to share. But it wasn't for the kids, or mom or dad, or someone we know. No, we packed lunches and served the homeless at Linn Park. An overwhelming majority had never come close to a homeless person, much less fed one.

Needless to say, it was quite an "awakening". Perhaps it would be an experience for us all if we could recognize that homeless persons are not statistics; they are real, live persons with the very hurts and needs We are all akin in our brokenness, just as we are all akin to Jesus in his humanity. Perhaps that's why Jesus said, "Whatever you have done for the least of these brothers of mine, you have done unto me."

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Each moment of life is a discovery of something. This was proven true last weekend when 29 youth from two churches gathered for an event called Discovery. The discovery was God's love, flowing in the many moments found in only a few hours. The heart of the weekend centered on discovering God's love through the Church, represented by Lester's Chapel and New Heights (both in Chelsea, AL). God's love became flesh as adults and high school students poured several months of preparation for 38 hours of intense investment into these awesome junior high students. Highlights of the weekend were videos, skits, talks given by high-schoolers, prayer. And did we mention the awesome worship led by "Rupert the Whale"? In all we experienced, Jesus Christ was the center of this spiritual retreat. At the end of it all, God's love was seen through the Church and because of that His love was "Discovered" at Discovery '09! Many thanks to EVERYONE from both churches who helped!!!